Lately, I've been reminding myself of the following personal mantra when I begin yoga practice. I've found that bringing this concept into my consciousness helps me to let go quickly, it brings me immense peace and reassurance, and it drops me deeper into my meditation.
Try it on and see if you can relate to it:

~ In this moment on my mat, I don't have to hold space for anyone but me. I don't have to hold up energy for the teacher or the yogi beside me. I'm not responsible for anyone. I don't have to wear any hats. I don't have to wear any masks. I don't have to please anybody, not even myself. I don't have to be perfect. I don't have to get it right. I don't have to accomplish. I don't need to look pretty and I don't need to impress. In this moment, I don't have to hold space for anyone but me. I don't have to hold space ~